Math Tricks

Find Out The Square Of Any No. Which Has Got 5 As The Last Digit


Suppose ,

               The Given No. Is 25.So we have to find out (25)^2 = ?

                Step 1 : 25 * 25
                Step 2 : Multiply the last digits of both no. So , it will become (5 * 5) = 25

                Step 3 : Increase the first digit of the second no. by 1.So , it will become (2 + 1) = 3

                Step 4 : Multiply first digit of the first no. with the modified digit of the second no.So ,
                             it will become (2 * 3) = 6

                Step 5 : Place 25 at the end of 6.So, its became 625.

                So , the result will be        (25)^2 =  625


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